Wednesday 16 October 2013

WORDS 2: Recovering from ill-spoken words

Some people are specialized in speaking wrong hurtful words to people. A way to pull through this world where almost everyone is guilty of misuse of words has to be devised.
1. Personal cautiousness of the type of words used plus the probably effect to you – the speaker and others – the hearers. This has to be on everyone’s mind and by this much trouble would be averted but personally and in the various types of relationships we engage in. Wrong personal confessions have a way of pulling us down psychologically let alone speaking evil to others.
2. Recognize circumstances in your life where words have caused pain. This mostly come from people, some wrongly say them thinking they are helping you while others say them intentionally to hurt you. For example “You’re hopeless/useless”, “You will never be the man your father was”, “You are so lazy/fat/stupid/foolish etc. Remember how bad you felt? Now promise not to do that to anyone else and importantly, you’ll be better than the person said.
3. Have you said stuffs to cause pain for anyone? Try remembering and setting the record straight by apologizing to that person in writing or preferable in face to face. This way, you have discontinued the treacherous act of ‘people pulling people down’.
4. Understand a common stance that people usually use hurting words due to their current situation and problem. They are most probably speaking from their own pain and directing it outwardly at you. This therefore isn’t worth ruining your day or life over.
5. Make it a habit to utter positive pronouncements towards yourself. Say them frequently (even when all events around you attempt to prove otherwise). Write them out if you less busy and keep them in places (anywhere and if possible everywhere).
When our words show love and kindness; if our words lift people instead of pulling them down, the would everyone love to be with us and all relationship from the cordial to intimate ones be filled with soothing healing every time we speak.
Heal the world with your words - spoken or written

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