Friday 18 October 2013

Living with Female roomates

I have four roomates now, three of them are females. The first 10 days or so have been fine. A couple times I had to hold a piss so they could do their hair, but nothing insane. I find two of them sexually attractive, and one of them has expressed interest by texting me frequently and offering to take me out and cook for me for my birthday. She also muttered under her breath "Smells delicious" upon going in the bathroom after my shower. Any advice moving forward? The good news is I'm only catching the last three months of a lease, so if things get messy I can split. Share your experiences, opinions, and advice. Thank you.

Which of these would be your advice:
1. I'm a woman living with male roommates and we all do all these things. One of them just has a really nice smelling shower gel. You might be reading too much into it.
2. Just ask her if she wants to go out for drinks or something. Or whatever your thing is.
3. My advice is to never ever go after someone you live with. It can get really ugly when it all goes bad and trust me it usually does. Be careful. Any advances could make living together awkward if the advances don't go well.
4. I wouldn't recommend it. Crapping on your own doorstep is not a good idea. I've lived with women a few times, and the opportunity has been there for the taking, but the last place you want complications is in your living space.
5. Don't shit where you eat. Period. If you're dumb enough to shit where you eat, at least let her make the first move.

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