Wednesday 16 October 2013

Stories and Opinions: Hiding my Heart

I just want to confide something in this site, about my story.
I never had real crush. All of them are actors/singers. It was this second semester of my 3rd year in college when I started to feel this kind of emotion. It was because of this man, when I see him. I've seen him often since I transferred in the university and I don't know why just now? I can't tell anyone about this matter. I'm a dark horse and a bit of conservative.
I want to be close to him, I want to talk to him but there's no chance for that. The worst is he'll be graduating this semester and that means I will never see him again. I will surely miss the time we accidentally looked at each other. I will miss the times when we're in the library. I just can't imagine the next semester without seeing him again. Only a month is left for that chance.
Upon graduating, he'll soon be back on his own country. Soon he'll have a family of his own. I have no hopes to be with him the moment he left this country.
It's so depressing that there's only a month left to see him so I'll cherish every moments secretly looking at him.
How I wish that the feeling is mutual.
Anyways, I'm still young and who knows, time will come there'll be a chance for us.

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