Friday 11 October 2013

Reintroducing the Love

As a conjugal union grows older, so must it be accompanied by reciprocal maturity and mutual desire for each spouse. Strangely, it is becoming the rule rather than the exception today that the older marriages become, the less desirous couples find each other. This ought not to be and you need to act of it.
To start with, you need to know "what is your goal when it comes to your relationship?" And this should be created around the following;

  • Do you still love each other?
  • Do you still want to enjoy life together?
  • Are you ready to give it what its going to take?
  • On the long run, what do you want out of the relationship?

After answering those honestly, if your answers cuts around growing your relationship and improving your love, then you should read on.

  1. Create deeper intimacy: Occasional time-out away from the noise and
    distractions of this world is the way forward. This can be achieved in your very room or outdoors far from home. There you can whisper in the day and talk at night, recount great memories and generate pet names together.
  2. Communicate better and bring fun into it: When every conversation reflects respect, affection and positivity; it would surely help a relationship because no one feels good when been ordered around or made feel worthless. The greatest mistake we humans make in our relationships; We listen half, understand quarter, think zero, and react double. Listening carefully to your partner cannot be overrated; not only would it give you a clearer picture of the relationship but also shows your affection.
  3. Stop passing blames: "Who was wrong, who was right, who blamed wrongly and who over-blamed the other person" doesn't change the situation or ease it up. Forget to blame!
  4. Keep making the efforts to show love: This is very important. You shouldn't get tired of showing your love if its genuine. Remember, true love doesn't expect in return; however, expression of true love never returns to you void.
  5. Pour out compliments: Has your partner improved on something? Compliment him or her. It shows how observant and appreciative you are of your partner's efforts. It further would increase your partner's quest to improve the more.  
  6. Work it Patiently: If your love life has been in the low for a while, don't expect instant results. You might have to persist in these suggested ideas for a longer time before your love can feel your sincerity and reciprocate.
  7. Watch your attitude: Every investment of attitude pays a huge dividend. What is that habit people complain about? Your spouse might stylishly be hinting you of a habit, you should work on you and turn a new leaf. Its going to take some work but at the end, it'll make you a happier person.
  8. Learn to give and accept apologies: She's not mad, she's hurt... There's a difference. When necessary, apologise and believe apologies when you're been given. Apologies take nothing from you but the bring so much to you!
  9. Find time for each other: The modern world have numerous ways of distracting couples from their relationship. Career couples are going to find this quite difficult. But its possible with great effort and acknowledgement of which is priority - career or relationship.
  10. Socialise as couples: Here you'll both learn to treat each other as personal jewels. If this is done with other couples, you might learn a thing or two they do right and copy it into your life. Note they could also exhibit some wrong traits that you two would have to caution yourselves of.

Importantly: Pray about the future: This would always bring a great sense of calmness between you and your spouse. It comes from the feeling that both of you aren't just trying beyond the physical human help but reaching out to God to correct that which you can't. That takes the will for 'an improved relationship' from both ends.

Everyone's scared, so don't use that as an excuse to run away. Work on your relationship!

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