Saturday 26 October 2013

Break-Ups: How to move on when your relationship is over

Do you ever wish that you could just un-meet someone? Some relationships are that bad. 
After giving your heart, time and hopes to someone but situations proves the person isn't the best for you, its normal to feel hurt, perplexed and a bit lost. However, there's always remedy to a broken relationship other than sticking out for it. Its called "Moving On". Here are five effective steps.
Step 1: Stay away from your ex, and think of the "bad times"
Snooping around your ex isn't the best way to move on from a failed relationship. Its normal to mourn the good times of your relationship and have urges to be around your ex, but that's when knowledge has to be placed ahead of emotio
ns. If your relationship ended for a good reason, don’t sit around thinking of excuses as to why you ‘should’ go and see him/her, in the hope that you’ll fall into each other’s arms again. Whenever the thoughts of getting back together crops up, remind yourself of the reason you broke up and probably some of your partner's 'unbearable habits' you are now rid of. This would make you have a feeling of "escape". 
Step 2: Introduce positive changes to your life
It’s a fact that most break-ups are painful; however, they could initiate the best mediums for personal development. This is when you could do many things you’ve always wanted but kept holding back because of your partner. At this moment, opinions and suggestions from them are weightless and get back to loving yourself even more. You wish to look one way or the other? The perfect time is after your break-up. Getting rid of things that remind you of your ex is also considered a positive change; this could be your wardrobe, hairstyle, room paint and the likes.
Step 3: Stay off alcohol
However hard it is to wrap your head around the fact that you just had a break up, always remember alcohol is the way forward. It has become a practice for people to take solace in alcohol after break-up and some end up calling the ex and engaging in “self-demining” acts while others do further things they regret long term. Alcohol always generates more problems than solutions. Don’t keep it in the fridge, don’t walk past the shop, and don’t even look at the pub on your way home from work or anywhere.
Step 4: Remember you’re not the first to be have a broken heart
Remembering you are not the first pass go through a problem surely won’t solve it but it’ll surely keep your mind on the possibility of having a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Look back into history and remember people that had similar issues and were glad they made an early correction. The effect of this is a psychological encouragement to strength your weak and confused emotional state.
Breakup tip 5: Recognize what is normal and what isn’t
Remember what you want in a relationship and things you should absorb because you ‘want to be in a relationship’. Realise how far you should and need to go on loving yourself. Remember replacing the vacant space in your relationship doesn’t have to be speedy or slow but gradual…when the right person comes along. Do not panic if you feel you never want to grow too close to any opposite sex again; it your psychological security at work trying to prevent you from frequent heart break. You’ll get over it.

Bottom Line:
Not all relationships must be repaired; some need to be dissolved and only the lessons learnt should be remembered. Not all break-ups are bad. 

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