Thursday 10 October 2013

Compliments and Relationships

The Duke of Wellington, the British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was not an easy man to serve under. He was brilliant, demanding and not one to shower his subordinates with compliments. Yet, even Wellington realized that his methods left something to be desired. In his old age, a young lady asked him what he would do differently if he had his life to live over again. Wellington thought for a moment, then replied. “I’d give more praise.”
A lot of times, we are so busy looking at the bad things around us that we fail to see the wonderful things that our partners do for us. Improve your compliments by;
Lookout for the right: Many people spend too much time focused on the wrong their partner does. What about the right ones?? Lookout for them - including the tiny bitty ones and show appreciation! Then your partner would consciously try to do more.  
Believe the compliments: It is difficult to deliver a convincing compliment when you don't believe it. Your eyes, mouth, body language and aftermath reactions would give you away if you don't believe what you say.
Shake it up often: Every now and then, you re-fashion your complements. Repeating a single type of compliment everytime become the chorus to the you sing and would have zero effect.
Do it often: Giving a compliment isn't a one time action like giving a Nobel prize award. It should be done once there's a reason to, when there's every and any opportunity to. Make your partner feel on top of the world and perfect!   
Know it never becomes unnecessary: Compliments never get old so no matter how long you two have been together and how much convinced your partner is of how appreciative you are, still say it with you mouth! 
Joy is sustained by looking on the brighter side of life.

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