Tuesday 15 October 2013

Words 1: Words hurt your relationship

Words can be very dangerous ‘things’; equally capable of bringing peace and inciting violence. They get under your skin, they make you feel, they make you hurt, make you love, make you alive. Everyone knows this but many people still dish out harmful words out too much. We all need to be careful of how we choose to use words.
Using harsh communication when relationship seems a bit disturbed; during arguments for instance, partners often resort to name-calling and abundant cursing. Furthermore, ill-speaking of your partner’s family, friends or relatives is also common; calling them names and stressing their downsides really hurts because you are indirectly getting at her. These are how words really drag the relationship south and push partners further apart.
Words that are well seasoned create a thirst in your partner to listen. When you use words that are affirms motivation, your partner listens. Forgiving words increases the ease for your partner to accept their failure and improve. 
Words spell out your inner countenance. If those words are tolerant, then they invite your partner to share his/her world with you. So, choose your words wisely.

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