Wednesday 23 October 2013

Stories & Opinions: I've Been Pulling All The Weight In The Relationship

I'm tired of doing everything and getting treated like crap. My girlfriend has been very passive in the relationship. I've gotten her gifts, taken her out, and reassured her when she was sick, or just not feeling well. She enjoyed our time together. I've been there for her, but she doesn't seem to care much for me. She didn't get me a birthday present (and she did have several opportunities), she'd rather text and call one of my friends (who she just met, and my friend isn't interested in her romantically) than me, and I'm pretty sure she isn't getting me a Christmas present either (she is christian, and I already got her one).
She ignores texts from me, so I barely ever text her (I don't ignore people), but she replies to texts from my friend. I'm not sure if she's weak-willed, or if she doesn't notice that she doesn't have her priorities straight. Either way, as much as I love almost everything about her -I refuse to be treated like crap and pull all the weight.
I want to break up with her, but I'm tired of being the one who does all the work. (She's the type of person who has a hard time breaking up. In her previous relationship she sort of ignored her ex, instead of directly ending it with him.) From now on I'm not going to put all this effort and energy into the relationship. I want her to break up with me, because she's the one who in the past has had trouble with it. I think it would be good for her.
Right now we're still in a relationship, but if she starts fully ignoring me instead of breaking up, then I'll end the relationship in person.
I care about her even if she doesn't care about me. What should I do in the next few weeks (depending on what she does)?


  1. It really does take two to tango. If your partner not just ignores your attention and affection but also direct hers to someone else, doesn't communicate and has a history of dumping relationship by starving it of her attention. You really need to do yourself a favor of thinking about whether to move on with it or not.
    You should sit your partner down and state out what you have noticed and ask for a change if she's willing to move on with the relationship. However, if you notice an unrepentant attitude, then please do yourself the honor of meeting with her one on one like a mature man and dissolve the relationship.

  2. Break it up. She is obviously more responsive to your friend than you and that itself is disrespectful. There are plenty of fish in the sea and the right person should come along.

  3. Time to drop kick this ingrate back into the ocean. You've put up with enough. Get rid of her. Her feelings, wants and desires should no longer be of any concern to you.


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