Tuesday 22 October 2013

Common Relationship Errors that lead to crashes

In one of the local newspapers recently, it was reported that a wealthy middle-aged man driving his brand new car plunged into the river and died instantly. Yet, there are traffic sign posts on the highway to inform and to warn motorists of hazards on the road before the river. Curiously, the man died because of his apparent disregard for highway codes. Many jump into relationships like a brand new car and they forget to keep all safety signs. They make many mistakes - some without knowing it, but many are carelessly! Let's see some of the relationship errors they commit...and point to ourselves the 'relationship warning signs'.  
•Getting into relationship because everyone is: Its unfortunate many people know from the onset that there is nothing for them in a relationship with a particular person but still go ahead. Why? Because that's the only available person for now. In such a case as this, many go through hell and some are hard to leave. A relationship without healthy prospects should not be ventured into.
•Non compatibility: Relationships takes two people to walk together, closely and heartily. However, when the way of life of one partner is different from the other and nothing thrills them about each other; that relationship is a bomb waiting to explode on their faces. 
•Lack of priority: Does your partner assume a reasonable priority level in your life if you make a honest personal inventory of how much time and energy you put into the issues and relationships in your life? If not, soon or later, you'll start having complains and its because you never really wanted the relationship. 
•Focused on mistakes: When you concurrently focus on what you don’t like about your partner, the mistakes made, and differences between you two, right in you - there would be more distance that you have psychologically created which would result to i'll-actions. Stop the thoughts and get your mind off the mistakes. 
•Inadequate attention to partner: "where your treasure is, there would your heart be". When partners get swamped by work(profession), events and situations that gets them super busy with their personal lives and they forget to stay connected with their relationship, then soon they would start seeing cracks on the walls! There's need to take some time out and make the other person feel special. 
•Not giving each other space: Time alone is a necessity for relationships to flourish. You need to be missed and your partner needs some time to watch you from afar and observe how wonderful you have been. 
•Zero compromise on little things: You always want to have your way in all things and give no reasoning to the position and wishes of your partner? Let me tell you an 'open secret'; if you don't change, you are gonna wreck that relationship to the extent the pieces won't be found. 
•Expecting your partner to change: That's a wish you shouldn't hold your breath on. Except your partner sees the reason to, wants to and is trying change; let that person be how he is! That's the person you have fallen for and loved.
•Assumptions and suspicions: This is also described as a slow poison. Makes you partner feel victimised in the relationship.   
Inadequate communication: Except you and your partner can perfectly read each other's minds, then you need to open your mouth and talk! Talk right, talk respectfully and be express your heart out. 

Be the change you want to see in your relationship!

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