Wednesday 23 October 2013

Stories & Opinions: I am really confused! Please, help!

Everything started when I least expected and what happened was something that I could never imagine happening to me!
I was at a company party! Dancing, laughing, alcohol and right now, everything seems pretty fuzzy. I don't remember everything, but I remember enough to have occasional images coming up in my mind that are making me blush.
... Images full of passion and in which I strongly desire a certain man. I am positive that if he were here and if it were to be the right time, we wouldn't have possibly stopped by just with kissing or touching!!!
I have been married for a year and a half, but the man from that other night was not my husband, but a colleague of mine. I can't stop thinking about that! I am trying to figure out why it happened and I keep getting to answers that are not giving me any peace!
I am assuming that everything is due to the fact that I have only been with one man my entire life; my wonderful, loving and serene husband; the only man that I want to be the father of my children!
We have been together for 8 years and I am 25 years old. Maybe this is the reason why; that I am inexperienced, I don't really know! All I know is that I don't want to hurt him, but I can't be possibly be sure that I would be able to refrain myself from doing anything...
I want to stop! But I can't! Every day I spend a lot of time with my colleague and I am getting more and more attracted to him! After what happened, we “agreed” that what happened there the other night will remain there. But every time I look at him, I get all those passionate images in my head and I just can't stop myself...
I can see it in his eyes that he wants me too, I have no doubts about that! I think it's a matter of time for what happened the other night to happen again, but this time, without having the alcohol as the good excuse that it is!
How do I make myself stop?
How do I make myself stop wanting him and how do I bring back the passion in my relationship with my husband???
I don't want to continue falling asleep next to my husband and to keep thinking about someone else!


  1. Hmmm!!! Dear, d only thing u can do is to avoid him,beta still make him knw u still love ur husband.if possible focus on ur work.

  2. You only experiencing attraction towards him and he's surely wanting you for the moment. You'll dislike yourself in future if you go on with him.
    Better put physical boundary between yourself and him. Seek new ways to create fun moments with your husband. Isolate yourself with your husband and build your relationship/marriage with him.


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