Sunday 6 October 2013

Life counsels: story - Believing In Me Again!

I recently got out of a year and a half relationship with my first love that I had been with all of my senior year of high school. He would only see me when he wanted to or felt like it. He would make me feel as if he were superior and just brought me down in every aspect of my life to the point where I would have anxiety and panic attacks and depression. I lost all my friends, my family didn't want to speak to me or include me anymore, and my school situation was bad, as well as my job situation. I had no direction, I was stuck with someone I knew was no good for me. We broke up about two months ago, got back together for about a week.
Then I figured out we were really not meant to be. I cut all contact and since then have felt free!
Applied the relationship tips and since then everything, and I mean absolutely everything in my life has changed for the best. I sure lost a lot on the way, yet I always remained strong because I poured out all my faith.
I've had total confidence that everything played out how it was meant to be and accepted everything be it good or bad. I gained back all my friends and have made many more new friendships and my relationship with my family has dramatically improved! I also found a great job that I was eventually let go of recently, but a day after being let go, I found an even better job with more hours, days, and pay! My school situation is on track now, and I have finally decided to just focus on my Fashion degree.
I also recently met a wonderful guy that I have sooo much in common with, it almost seems unreal!! Basically everything I mentioned about my situation is exactly what he has been going through as well, so we understand each other 100%! He is crazy about me and we get along great. The same day we met he actually agreed to buy a ticket to a sold out music festival since now he had me to go with!

What is interesting is that the previous month I had written down that I wanted to not only be at that festival with my friends but also with a "special guy"!

The Law of Attraction works!! He actually talked to me about how we were meant to meet for a reason and I just had to absolutely agree! He is such a sweetheart!

Life is truly beautiful all you have to do is let go of ALL the negativity, just let go and Believe that the Universe has something in store for you. I learned to love myself first, and be grateful for every single thing in my life. Whatever life throws at you, whether bad or good, take it as a blessing because it can either end up making you stronger or bring you something better than the last! I am loving every single day of my life and never taking anything for granted.

When I feel like I am slipping, I come back to this site and it automatically makes a change!

So please never give up, there is true happiness out there that you can have EVERYDAY! I used to think it was impossible, or forced from some people to pretend to be happy all the time, but it's true you can be happy everyday of your life! Just have faith. I still believed even with a broken heart. :)

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