Saturday, 7 September 2013

How Character and Habits Influences Your Dating Chances

Getting and retaining someone’s love and attention takes more than people think. Subconsciously, people psychologically “profile” whoever they intend giving their “attention” to – usually under the subtext of getting to know you better. They barely know they are deducing the notable habits and virtues of their ‘subject’ to that extent. Many wake up to this fact later in future when they are faced the question of how long they want to be with the ‘subject’. The characters that would be noticed would fall under either of two wings – positive habits and negative behaviours, or better described as likeable and unlikeable behaviours. Below are some notable characters, of course starting with the loveable ones.

•Charm                •Athleticism       •Education         •Generosity       •Honesty            •Independence

•Kindness           •Intellectuality                  •Loyalty               •Sense of humour          •Sociability

•Wealth               •Responsibility                 •Spontaneity     •Cooperativeness           •Emotional stability

•courage             •happiness         •resourcefulness

On the other hand, we have:

•Dishonesty       •Narcissism        •Vanity                                •Unreliability     •Unpredictability

•Loves to shop  •Spendthrift      •Greed                 •Impatience       •Inspires jealousy            •Sarcastic

•Volatile              •Fickle  •Boastful            •Alcoholic           •Attention seeker

•Reality show addict      •Lying   •Forgetting to forgive   •dirtiness            •Hard to get

Let’s therefore look into how to be more loveable.
A disclaimer should be stated that the idea here is not to cover-up who you really are in order to ‘trick’ someone into loving you; that would be state-of-the-art stupidity. Playing by that scenario, if a guy eventually fools himself to misleading an innocent lady, along the way the dye covering the leopard’s spot would wash off and the real colour would be exposed. There is an over 75% chance the lady would leave that guy. Same goes to the lady that pulls such stunt.
That being said, in some very rare exceptional cases, some negative characters attract some people (awkwardly), it’s however not a delectable trait the society would love and definitely not a good approach to getting love.
It’s been said by some Behavioural Scientists that “it takes 21 days make or break a habit”. Let’s pitch our tent of thought here. If a person can for 21days live without exhibiting a habit, he/she can continue without needing to fall back to that habit. It takes real effort to rid bad habits or at least get them to barest minimum that they won’t exhibit themselves 90% of the time. You know yourself, your faults and errors. You can cautiously and excruciatingly try to change from these bad habits by identifying these bad habits,  visualising how the future could be if you successful change; then cautioning yourself minute after minute, hour after hour, and day after day. This would definitely increase your chances of having a wonderful long relationship.
No one can have a 100% clean sheet when it comes to habits, so it’ll be dumb and absurd search for a perfect model of the personality you might have designed and created in your mind. We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. It’s the major repulsive habits that you must eradicate.

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