Sunday 15 September 2013

What makes a woman a ‘Lady’??

After long deliberation and considerations about what manner of female fits to be addressed as a "lady", it became un-debatable that the world is running out of ladies!
From chronology of the word ‘lady’, it had always been attached to grown women who have been nurtured with moral manners regards specific areas of life. Other words or phrases often used to describe the word “lady” include:
•Civil •Cultured •Polite •Well Mannered •Refined in Upbringing •Polite •Standard of behaviour •Honour •Well Spoke •Behaving in Dignity •Steady Companion

Noticeably and understandably, comportments, attitudes and style of dressing change over time; however, a lady’s Sophistication, Courteousness and Mannerism in the public and in her home is undying. Why don’t you use the following points to examine your “lady-like” status?
1. Femininity: Women have an original manner of existing and response in all circumstances. This is based on natural combination of the female body properties resulting to behaviours and qualities which her reasoned to be characteristic of females; and how a woman chooses to use her body depletes the initial signs identifying her has a lady or not. The feminine features on and in your body makes a woman; how you respect and use them makes you a lady... or not
2. Sophistication: These days, the advent of the “hip-hop” world depletes ‘lady-likeness’ has an ancient unfashionable lifestyle. Being elegant in all aspect of your life makes you a lady. A woman’s posture while siting and standing, carriage while walking, choice of words while talking are what makes you lady the lady we see. A "bitch" isn't a lady! Many females call themselves that, which simple means they have personally ruled out any lady etiquette in their lives.
3. Cleanliness: This is an undisputable and necessary quality in a lady. Here's the joker: many have accustomed themselves to appear clean and hygienic when in the public but away from the eyes of the world, they are the drastic opposite. Quite a shame because the cleanliness of a lady transcends all areas of her life; from the strands of her hairs to her breath, teeth, house, personal effects...even to the content and organisation of her hand bag! These are prerequisites. 
4. Health Psychology: Self-confidence, patience, security within her own skin, charity, contentment and trustworthiness kicks out fear, dishonesty, 'over' dependence, aggressiveness and brutality. “They are talking about me” syndrome has no place in a real lady; even her virtues becomes a subject on every lips especially females who are too weak to attain her level of discipline. 
5. Respect, submission and yet intelligence and strong-minded:  It isn’t easy to have the combination of these four attributes. Yet, a lady is known to be respectful and submissive and amidst these, she’s intelligent and not easy to fool.
These makes a lady complete, and as a bonus;
  • Ladies gossip with class; not like mice passing cheese among themselves;
  • Ladies don’t use profane words;
  • Ladies don’t talk with food in their mouths;
  • Ladies excuse themselves from gatherings with courtesy; 
  • Ladies rarely lose their cool. Most often, they are calm and collected especially in the public;
  • Ladies don’t over eat or overdrink;
  • Ladies are courteous to introduce who they are with when someone else approaches;
  • Ladies don’t find it hard to say the words “Please”, “thank you”, “I’m sorry” and “no, thank you” without feeling a part of them have been removed;
  • Ladies increase their knowledge not only with gossips but reading resource materials to increase intelligence.
With all these, does the society still hold “lady-likeness” with high esteem??

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