Saturday 28 September 2013

stories & opinions: Is he looking else where?

"My boyfriend and I have been going thru ruff times in our relationship. He tell me yesterday he want to work on us but see other females on dates and share phone conversations. I don't want this. He also suggest i try doing this also...I love him and want our relationship to work. What is a gurl to do."


  1. I find it hard to follow his reasoning. How can he work on your relationship if he's busy seeing other women. I don't wish to upset you but I think he's trying to let you down gently. Sorry.
    There's nothing inherently dirty about sex, but if you try real hard and use your imagination you can overcome that.

  2. About the only hope you'll have is when he gets through going through all these other females, he MAY come back to you.
    Do you want that?
    It's time you realize that perhaps this relationship is coming to an end, painful as this may seem.

  3. It takes 2 people to hold a relationship together, not 2 and who he wants to diddle. If he wants to step out and you want him solo, then I think you need to go it with out him. If you can't change his mind, don't waste your time on him. I know it's hard, but it beats the pain of watching him with other women. BF's & GF's means that your committing to each other, short of marriage. Doesn't sound like he's committing to you, so your friend w'benefits. That's not a relationship. Good Luck


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