Sunday 15 September 2013

Do you dress like a “lady”?

Some say “dress like a lady even if you don’t behave like one”. Your dressing might save you from some initial deserved insults/assaults on the street. The campaign on harassments and assaults are been insulted by comments like “her dressing welcomed it”. We all see lowlife guys whistle or say insulting words at females and laugh just because they (the girls) dress too revealing and or tight. These “express approvals” are not for looking decent, impressive and beautiful but for feeding their libido for free. Don’t be confused, if you as a lady dress next to naked and pass walk down the street, those that would approve would approve but not because they’ll be proud to associate with you or show you off as someone they are related to.
Simple but Elegant

It is permit-able to say decent, modest and neatly dressed ladies never witness this. Is the reason by any means a secret? Here are some simple dressing guidelines that bread respect:
Modestly stylish
·         Dress appropriate, according to your body-size, shape and age. Please, avoid the temptation of squeezing yourself into dresses. If it’s a beautiful dress but not your size, drop it. Forcing it on brings more embarrassments and disrespect than compliment.
·         Ensure your clothes are clean, smell good and pressed! This is very important to appear sane let alone ‘ladylike’.
·         Select cloths and styles that pronounce and protect you femininity at once; most dresses these modern days pronounce femininity but don’t protect it.
·         Clean hair, nails, feet and good body odour. These are also part of your dressing and they embrace a man.
·         Ladies do not need or use excessive accessories; extreme use of facial accessories make you look scary and ugly. Often, a natural beauty is better than facial artistry.
A notable thought; no genuine man would smile when his lady is public attacked as such. It is just embarrassing and most blame goes mothers, followed by the entertainment industries.


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