Thursday 19 September 2013

Life counsel: You need to calm down!

Life is too short for anyone to get "extremely hyper and frustrated". Have you properly analyzed how things change? Despite the recognition and importance give to a thing, haven't you noticed life continues even without it? Hey, remember that person you thought you couldn't live without? Well, look at you, living and good options are still flowing your way.
The human mind is used to responding fast to situations and circumstances by going into overdrive; however, when you gain you consciousness, here are some control tips.  
She looks calm...right??
1. Massage. The magic behind a quality massage just never goes out of vogue. It helps the rich and the poor; young, old and even infants! Its gets your frustrations out of the way and calms your nerves down. Your body relaxes as the stresses get pressed out of your back, neck, legs and feet.
2. Yoga. You thinking of balancing your body, strength and flexibility from your mind? Think yoga. Its is a calming exercise that moves you from one position to another. Its helps you work on you mentally and physically.
3. Meditation. Ancient fathers used this to calm their mind and bring out positive energy. This world need more or positive energy...negativity kills. While meditating, you focus on breathing and thinking calming thoughts. 
4. Aromatherapy. Aromas can put butterflies in your tummy! Blessed is the lady that knows this! Its a tool for calming nerves and relaxing. It improves moods! 
5. Rest. Most times, all we need to feel calm is a good night’s rest. The body and muscles need rest and they deserve it after serving you so much. Don't be unfair; give it to them! Adequate nap helps thinking more clearly and decisive decision making plus problems solving as they arrive.

Taking a nap and or bath can help treat mental & physical fatigue. It's like hitting a reset button on your body. Energy drinks can actually cause cavities, headaches, miscarriages, and possibly death. 
Sometimes all we need to feel calm is a good night’s rest.

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