Thursday 26 September 2013

Guys; She might leave you because...

Some guys get dumped for a rather obvious reason, though they would say "I didn't see that coming" or "I thought we were doing fine". Self-control is missing in the live of many and that repulse 'good girls' from them. Guys should watch out for these:
1. Just too dirty: You have hygiene issues, eat with your mouth open, occasional smelly breath not so cool acts in public. She never needs to mention but that's  just uncool! Smelly armpits and bad body odour is a social embarrassment to her and just damn repulsive!
2. Been all-knowing and all-perfect: Its hard to see though this flaw at the start because ladies could interpret that act as "just trying to impress" but when it comes to a some months after,  she's going to feel suffocated and irritated. You think you’re always right and want to have your way most of the times.
3. Being too time demanding: It holds no interest if you are always with time to create the "want" for you. You are clingy with no life of your own. There's no need to cut off your close friends so that you could spend all your time with her.
4. Zero adventurous: A text book man is good for only the first couple of months - if he lasts that much, after then, he's all boring! You didn’t complain, you didn’t argue and you didn’t take the initiative when it came to planning an outing. Instead of being an interesting and challenging guy, you were "baggage". A little mystery and surprise is always good if you want to hold on to your lady.
5. Being a "cry baby": Even during the relationship, though its expected to share pain and pleasures, rarely would a lady want the guy next to no "masculinity in thoughts". Always sobbing about life, situations, misplaced chances and misfortunes don't help.
6. Can't keep secrets: Its no secret many girls share secrets with girlfriends but for a guy, you're expected to do better.
7. Zero confidence: Low self-esteem kills and definitely can push a close partner away because it sucks when you with a man than isn't "societal-ly man enough". With looks, dressing, financial proficiency; there'll always be someone better and lack of confidence makes you poorer.
8. Or maybe she's not just your type: Many display a different versions charade just get someone to be with them. After a while of dating, the real picture comes out; there and then, the second thoughts begin. Better luck next time.

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