Wednesday 18 September 2013

How to Build your confidence to improve your relationship

The amazing power of confidence in a relationship still works wonders; transforming two "not really intimate" people to live and grow interwoven. Development of personal confidence is necessary for a healthy relationship and it usually starts from within. However, close friends, families and most importantly, spouse, have a great role to play. Remember, you have to spear head the effort of increasing your confidence.
So, how do you build confidence in your relationship? Here are few tips.
 1. Love yourself. Tell yourself you are a gift and nothing would remain the same if you didn't exist. Your impact to life would be  missing if you weren't there. Take stock of your relationship as it is and identify the wonderful things that you are already experiencing, as well as pin pointing the things you would like to improve.
2. Be positive. Always believe nothing has gone out of order; but there's always good in all situation. Fidgeting out of doubt is never the right response in whatever situation. Clarity breeds confidence, while fear and doubt threaten your self-esteem. See yourself in the relationship of your dreams and imagine all you want is possible.
3. Do what you love. Life is too short to be busy wasting that same life doing otherwise. How more confident can you grow when you're living and practising what you really like. Make a declaration because you are worthy of having a loving and fulfilling relationship. Believe that you have the capacity to love and be loved.
4. Stop comparing. Stay focused being fully aware everyone has a different and unique life to live. We exist together doesn't me life offers us the same options. Acknowledging limiting beliefs in comparison to people around you is important, but so is learning to let them go.
5. Relax. Amidst all things, do not stay worried on the little things; change the ones you can change and leave the ones nothing can be done about. On a daily basis, take time for yourself to clear your mind and set your intention for how you will be in your relationship.

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