Sunday 8 September 2013

LADIES: Don't Get Married because...

Marriage is a wonderful union where even the ceremony makes some feel butteries in their tummy while tears drop down their faces. Isn’t that lovely? This same union is the gravest mistake some have made and end up regretting for a lifetime. You live life once, why do you want it to go down that path. If you threading that path, I’ll say don’t get married.
Don’t get married because…
  • Your friends are getting married. Would you get a divorce too if they get a divorce? Just want to know if and where the solidarity ends.
  • He gives the great feeling of love. “We met couple of months back but it feels like we’ve know each other for years”. Oh yea? It’s not about having a love bubble lasting longer than the common and then thinking that’s how it’s going to be forever but the compatibility you two shares on the long-run. Why not wait and discover more about him. I said ‘discover’ not ‘ask’.
  • He is the closest you’ve on gotten on with on ‘long relationship’. Marriage isn’t just a long relationship but a lie time relationship. However long you your ‘long relationship’ is, it’s nothing compare to the lifetime journey. Therefore, it’s not the how long the relationship you’re having is but how well is it.
  • You want to feel safe and secured. Trust me, marrying the wrong person would make you feel much less insecure than you currently feeling. Truth this; true security come from within. Look for that.
  • You are tired of dating and you want to manage the person you’ve seen. It’s better to stay if you ever have this feeling. Give yourself the self-boost therapy because you seem to have some self-confidence missing.
  • You’re feeling alone. Getting into activities, events, sports and been resourceful gives you next to no time to be alone. Alone time is that time you groom yourself to be someone a man would love and cherish.
  • Your current relationship appears it’s the best you can ever dream of. Seriously? Then you a poor dreamer. You don’t “manage” a marriage; it’s like managing to exist for the rest of your life.
  • A ring on that finger earns me maximum respect. Err… please see a counsellor to help build your self-esteem.
  • Marriage would make you more principled. You’ve been pouncing from nightclub to nightclub that the party bouncers recognise you and now you think marriage is your best leash?
  • He’s rich. Hmmm, that’s a passport to some shopping spree, parties, expensive vacation and definitely some “thick issues“ you’ll have to handle. It’s better to live in you built with him than a mansion he built for you to ‘move in’ to.
  • You’re getting old and it’s just the next logical thing to do. It’s better to have a happy long premarital life followed by years of marital bliss than a short premarital life and long years of second guessing the concept of marriage just because you rushed in and out of marriage.
  • You want to have a huge wedding ceremony. This sounds stupidly funny but many people indeed put more effort into their wedding ceremony than marriage. The ’wedding’ is just a ceremony; if it lasts more than a day, it won’ exceed a week. Marriage on the other hand last for pretty much a long time.

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