Thursday 19 September 2013

Facing Relationship Doubts Together

Let's start with an ice breaker; the most perfect couples still have doubts right in their guts when and after they hit it off. On a more common note, we all have doubts regarding the best of idea, most unique of plans and even best of inventions. Throwing the weight of believe behind our uncertainty is what helps us through that phase; and later on, faith based on pervious success carries us through. This is just the same with relationships. The frequent reoccurrence of break-ups and divorce these days has increased this "curiosity". It's common and plainly natural to be curious about the feasibility of your relationship. However, there's a deadline to allowing these doubts in your head. When you having doubts for too long, its time for therapy.
  • Start by accepting your doubts and fears. If you don't, there's a huge possibility the problem is going to proceed from bad to worse and end up ruining your relationship/marriage. There's a reason for every thought, why not go to the genesis of it all? Sit yourself and ask for the reasons behind your doubts.
  • Next is talking it out with your partner. This phase determines if you would continue your relationship through the tedious path or bow out as graceful as possible. Are there reasons for your doubts (like cheating spouse, unaffectionate, inadequate devotion, difference in priorities, abuse/assaults and such)? Tell your partner and talk it through like ADULTS! 
  • If you can't place your finger on any reason, just a hunch that has been in your eating deep into your head, then you need a self-thinking-restructure. This involves marking and focusing on the good attributes of your partner and relationship, possibility of improvement and also visualization of the eventual result. Talking to your partner about this won't be easy, but its a great necessity. Dish out all you have in your mind gradually, listen to the other side of it and most of all, believe the (re)assurances from your partner.
  • What's next? Give it(your self rehab) continuous practice and time to change. If you put in substantial effort, a month is enough for noticeable healing and two for perfect believe in your relationship!
Please heed this advice: If your relationship has a solid foundation in friendship and caring, don’t wait too long to address problems. This common error causes many couples to part ways. Instead, trust in your love for each other.
Face your doubts together and nurture an even stronger relationship.

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