Monday 16 September 2013

In Love or In Lava

The world has gotten so used to the pop-culture ideal of love that it has lost the true essence of love. The entertainment industry is awash with this species of love with all its unrealistic images that have led to massive deception, frustration and disappointment. That not-withstanding, love remains one of the most potent forces that affect our lives.
In the beginning of two people ‘falling in love’, there’s so much energy and it seems you’ll do anything for one another but the reality is… this energy fades! Then reality begins. You thought you were in love but it was just a “lava stage” stage of something that isn’t meant to metamorphosis into a relationship. Consider the following:
  1. Understanding mistaken for passionate love: In many cases, people often translate the physical chemistry between two persons as romantic love and this is the conception of a great blunder. Been great friends that know and understand each other doesn’t mean romance is meant to be follow. Dissect the nature of understanding before concluding it should lead to romance.
  2. Physical desire confused for love: Desiring for a person can go one for nights and days but after getting that desire satisfied, the craving disappears. Surprised?? Don’t be. Love isn’t the want for physical satisfaction and lasts after physical satisfaction. Recognize your affection if its love or lust.
  3. Cinderella stories: It’s common for people to develop a love tale that actually very captivating and start trying to live it but it takes two to tango. Does your partner daydream the same love story as yours? I really doubt it…simply because we are all different unique beings. You are making your love story and your partner acting out he’s/hers. That relationship is divided and just can’t stand.
  4. Putting too much on ‘love’: Relationships take work and commitment unlike most movies deplete and expecting all differences to be to handle itself because “you two are in love” is reckless. Love is more like the icing on the cake (of relationship) and flour or egg that’s used in baking it. Many habits need to be checked and weighed; not disregarded in the name of “we love each other”
  5. Focusing on your partner qualities instead of your relationships quality: Mixing a person’s great qualities with yours has the possibility of still not yield a good concoction. Of course, personally, both have great qualities…but it’s still not a good mix. Concentrate on the qualities your relationship would have when you are together and not singular virtues.  

Many celebrities have made these mistakes and their relationships lasted few weeks; month; and days in some cases. We cannot choose the wrong and get the right. If we look to the wrong world for our example and role model in the most delicate matters of life (which they are getting wrong), we would get whatever they have, including the heartaches and deep regrets.

Real love forgets self; real love knows no danger and real love does not count the cost. Many waters cannot quench love.

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