Thursday 19 September 2013

Want to know he/she is self-centred?

So many people are in a relationship but only few are really TAKEN; the rest are just been TAKEN FOR GRANTED. Self-centred spouse is hard to be loved! Why? Every one wants and needs some care, love and exhibited affection; however, the problem start when the spouse thinks and acts all about him/herself. How do you smell a self-centred rat? Just trace the following scents.
1. Is (s)he constantly making people is rivals and envious of them?: When a person is Constantly comparing himself/herself with people that are more successful than him/her and always beefing them; then you have a rat!
2. Never considering others choice(s): "What I want is what must happen". Whoever considers no ones interest and choice and puts his/her foot down on almost all matters...that's a rat!
3. Passing all blames: He/she never accepts any wrong until when caught red-handed; responds to disagreements with anger and not sadness...hmm, you've got a self-centred rat.
4. Fairy-tales of personal success never ends: He/she is always having stories of "I will this and that", with all goals pointing to reaching limelight and craving applause of men....that's a self-centred rat.
5. Coveting doesn't bother him/her: Would do anything to reach the "top", the end always justifies the means and stealing-by-style is no big deal....that's a big self-centred rat!
6. Can't be "counted on": (S)he always has something to do for him/herself and can't just be there for you...that's a self-centred rat!
7. Bragging of personal achievements: Long conversations are always opportunity to flood the ground with personal achievements and exaggerates incidents...that's a self centred rat!
8. Unreasonably expects from you and people: Always ready to get without thinking of giving is just wrong. You are meant to remember what you receive and forget when you give. If (s)he forget when (s)he receives and always wants more...hmm, self-centred rat!
9. Excuses not noticing your needs: When you speak up about your needs, (s)he always manufactures excuses of why he/she dint notice or even waters them down as things you should get on without...that's a rat!
10. No were to be found during tough times: All words but when its time to throw in some actions,  When tough times come, he. He/she is gone with the breeze! Need I say more?? Self-centred rat!

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