Wednesday 11 September 2013

Ways to Prevent Sexual Assaults

One in five women in this world now experience sexual assault. There are instances of mere coincidence and knowledge of these preventive tips would definitely help.  They include:
  • Trust your instincts. Whatever assessment your first thought gives you, follow it. Does someone appear ‘off’ to you and your instinct tells you to keep off? There’s over 80% chance your instincts are right.
  • Defenceless victims are best preys for assaulters. It’s therefore necessary to have a backup plan when in unfamiliar environment, have a friend come with you to that party, be careful with your drinks –when you leave table and your drink, never return to that same drink – and accept no drink from strangers.
  • Endeavour to be always aware of your surroundings. Many aren’t and fall victim of mentally sick individual in waiting to abuse them. When walking at night, try routing your movement around places with lights.
  • When walking in remote areas, ensure your vision is not blocked by caps or hats.
  • Carrying an item for self-defence isn’t extreme; it’s what the world now requires. If you do, ensure it’s an item you are well acquainted with so it won’t be used against you.
  • Even when you’re scared and petrified, move with confidence! You feel you are been pursued, confront a pursuer! There’s a slimier chance you can outrun an assaulter. Depending on the situation, you can confront nicely (by asking the time) or aggressively (by taking a read to fight pose). Most attackers prefer to target victims who haven't seen their face.
  • Remember that rape isn't just committed by strangers, but by friends, relatives, and even colleagues. Most victims are raped by people they trusted. Learn to recognize a potentially abusive relationship.
  • Be careful around parking lots and parking garages at night. If you are in a parking lot and you feel someone is following you, start making noise - talk to yourself loudly or head back to the security of the facility you left.
  • Scream!! Shout out loud and draw as much attention to yourself if been attacked. Attackers usually plan or visualize how they want the attack to go. Distort that idea and fight back like crazy person. Most of all do not think acting nice or begging would help you. It only empowers the assaulter.
  • Never leave your friends alone and drunk.
  • Never be left behind by your friends and tell other people where you are going.
  • Be aware of public bathrooms in clubs and bars…women have been attacked in the ladies room if it
  • is deserted.
  • Think and practice being careful at dance clubs or other places with loud music, sometimes it is so loud that nobody will be able to hear you cry for help.
  • Rehearse security cautiousness when going into your own home because people have been pushed in their own home and assaulted because they didn’t note the person walking close to them while opening the door.
  • Avoid sharing personal details on the web. Keep personal information private. This is a big flop for many. In addition, you can never be too careful in meeting someone for the first time.
I got this off a site and loved it: Notice and leave identifying marks. A large bite mark on their face, punctured eyeball, deeply scratched leg, ripped out piercing etc. is easily identifiable, as are memorable tattoos, etc. Think kill. Go for weak spots like eyes (poke hard), nose (hard upward motion with the lower part of your open hand) genitals (grab really tightly and squeeze or punch hard) etc. to make sure the person's hands aren't free to punch or hold on to you and you can run for it.
Never give up without a FIGHT!


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