Monday 9 September 2013

Swaying Her Off Her feet

Silently Astonished
Astounding a woman and been a man actually goes hand in hand. It’s very simple to do that; just be a man! Yes, just be a man. From ancient times, been a man takes more than just gender or shirt and trouser. It comes with duty, courage, intelligence and service. All these attributes by themselves impresses a woman. Ability to carry out some activities keeps a woman gazing at you with an unconscious smirk on her face. Here are some of those skills that can sway a lady.
  1. Cooing skills: A man making delicious dishes occasionally turns heads and if you do that for a lady, it’s impressive. If you’ve been avoiding the cookery channel, its time you start watching and trying them out.
  2. Conversing well: Capability to make a woman comfortable and hold a well-coordinated dialogue with a woman mesmerises her, and makes her want to either continue or have a repetition of that time spent. Ability to keep eye contact, ask questions, passing compliments and asking for advice also goes a long way.
  3. Fixing up the house: When some few things get broken in the house, regardless of the vocation that man does, his first career is been a man! A man fixes up the little things and does the basic repairs in his house.
  4. Fixing the car: Almost every man counts it mandatory to be able to drive a car from point A to B. However, only few know how to fix the little problems it brings like changing a tire, checking the oil or changing the plugs. Repairing common car faults has a way of getting a lady awestricken.
  5. Play an instrument: This has its perk, especially in the public. Not to forget how music feeds the soul. Handling a musical instrument right and producing melodious sounds from it is so soothing.
  6. Dancing: A man that can dance well demonstrates how easy going, confident and erotic you can be all at once. Rhythmical moves are of the essence.
  7. Introducing her to people: Your cautiousness and choice of words to announce and recognise her presence when you’re with your friends matters a lot. It is a way of saying she’s important.
Women are impressed by men who remember the chivalry and novelty as a code of living. Be a man that has his masculinity but still preserves his gentility when with the women folks. That is a duty of a man.
You might not have all these tools in your box; but you should have most! Especially numbers  1, 2, 3, 4 and 7...they are quite the most important ones.

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