Friday 6 September 2013

The Social Networks and Your Relationship

Was there a time your mom blamed everything on your phone? "You're failed an exam? It’s because of that phone!" "You're tired? It’s because you're always on that phone!";"Oh you hungry? It’s because of that phone!!" Yes I agree it’ quite funny, but it can be argued to be true to a reasonable extent.
We humans are social animals and the urge to associate is has been in us from conception, though it’s not pronounced in some people. The arrival and use of the internet as a tool to satisfy that craving isn’t and shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. With the availability of various social networks on phones, i-pads and computers as we have now; a prominent cause of bad relationships (and broken marriages in some cases) can be traced to social networks. Shocker?? Don't be surprised; it’s been happening around you, you just didn't notice.  Face-to-face conversations have been replaced by typing messages and sending photos. Emotions can be replaced by emoticons. Body language is left to the tone of the text. Listed here are some disadvantages social media has on your relationship.
  1.  Isolation in disguise is a gift from the social networks. Yes you are ‘chatting’ and sharing pictures but you are not seeing your partner physically. There’s a much higher psychological bond when you physically meet your partner compare to the chatting substitute.
  2. Emotions have been replaced by emoticons and this is just imbalanced. The sound of his/her voice, smile, cry, tease, funny tones been should be registered in your head and not the emoticon (smiley) he/she used after a sentence.
  3. Physical display of politeness and respect is been missed when social media interferes with most portion of your relationship.
  4. When you have to measure his/her commitment to you by how many post of yours he/she likes, comments and shares, then  your relationship is becoming pathetic.
  5. You may come across a profile on the social media and all the information on it appears sound; do not think the profile is 100% true! A profile you see is just what the person wants you to think and can be the direct opposite of the handler. “I’m a cool guy interested in a decent girl to get into a long relationship with” could turn out to be ‘he’s an uncivil guy interested in any lady who would be fooled to think I love her while I exploit her and do away with her later’.
I would state that some people have been blessed by the advent of the social media (relationship wise); as it helped them connect with an old friend or in rare cases a new person and they made something very sensible and good from it. In plain terms, relationship wise, there are some good social media can and has offered.
The average computer user spends more time touching their computer keyboard than their spouse or partner. This raises the question: What effect does this form of interaction (social media) have on friendships and relationships?

 In order not to allow the social media meddle with your relationship:
  1. Avoid premature relationship-status change. The keyword here is ‘premature’. Informing the world of every slight relationship change which you are not sure how its durability doesn’t portray much responsibility in you later on when that happens frequently. “Didn’t she just update her profile to be in a relationship with that dude?” Intimacy needs privacy to grow.
  2.  Avoid aimless browsing and checking of people’s profiles and posting of messages doesn’t only deplete joblessness but also belittles your partner if you choose doing that when he/she is around instead of relating with a human (him or her) that is present with you. This makes some partners complain and speak in annoyance when it’s done too much.
  3. Avoid running to the social media when pissed especial when caused by your spouse. Log off when you’re upset; this is way better than ranting on the social media and everyone knows when your relationship is going through a rough patch.
  4. Avoid adding you exes if you must, and avoid if when possible. Most partners don’t like the idea that there could be a medium for their spouses to link up with their exes aside bumping into each other at the mall. Most of all, NEVER inform your ex of the rough patch you going through in your current relationship. It’s so not his/her business!!
  5. Sharing the good side of your relationship to the world is one I’ll smile at. Posting the nice pictures of the two of you taking a walk is not just sweet but strengthens your relationship.
The internet (social media) is an amazing tool which could be for relationship improvement or destruction. It could push couples further apart or showcase/bond them as one.

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