Saturday 12 October 2013

LOVE is an action word

Love does exist. Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything; It is rare; it takes time and patience; it takes work and so you need to deal with it. We've seen many people give up on love because it needed much work. It was too much burden for them to set their love-life on the right path because first they left it on "autopilot" and it went so much astray. It became too much work to get it back on track and most choose to ditch that love-life and opt for another.  
Showing a little affection and care shouldn't be so hard. Yet in many relationships, people forget that one small loving gesture (or many) can go a long way. We get busy and stressed; we take each other for granted. It isn't easy to suppress our own agenda and put our partner's first but that is one act of love. Love needs continual actions to keep it 'right'. What acts? Let's see.
• Demonstrate respect and admiration. 
• Express kindness and care
• Go out of your way to 'be there' for your partner
• Placing your partner's goals first
• Been open to your partner's requests and assuming all requests are important 
• Altering your plans for your spouse's sake
• Do something small but special for your partner like surprise flowers or giving a massage
• Express appreciation with simple “Thank you”
• Putting much effort in understanding your partner's thoughts and feelings
• Accepting without judging
When acts of kindness and care giving disappear, it is an indication the relationship
needs help. Plus when you are kind-hearted to your partner, it increases your own happiness at least as much as the other person's.
A hug and kiss every morning before leaving each other for the day; Clean their car; pick some flowers; Set the table and help with dishes; find other ways to say “I love you” other than saying it, leave short messages to make your partner laugh; quietly hold hands for some moments; show-off your spouse in the public; mid-day call check-up call is great and surprise preparing of partner’s favourite meal are common way. It is however important not to expect payback, other than a thank you. You're not supposed to blow the trumpet of what you are doing.
Small acts, big love 

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