Monday 7 October 2013

Life counsels: story - It's really so simple... Just believe!

In 2008 I saw the love of my life. He was the most beautiful man I ever saw. It was love for the first sight. We met after 2 years and we started dating. We were very much in love, but we had our ups and downs. In January 2012 he told me, he is not sure, he wants to be with me. He broke my heart. I was really crushed. I convinced him only to take a break, not to end our relationship forever. I couldn't lose him, as I loved him so so much.
After a few depressing weeks I realised it was all because of me. Although he was very truthful and faithful, I always felt so insecure, I felt I wasn't good enough for him, I didn't deserve such a wonderful man. I was in constant fear some other woman, smarter, more beautiful, more elegant, would take him away from me. It was jealousy of every woman he spoke to.
I started working on myself, meditating, I searched the internet for articles about helps, I listened to myself every day... I started to feel more confident, feminine, powerful and I finally realised that I am more than good enough and I deserve all the love in the world! This is my new affirmation. :)
All this time we were in contact, we chatted everyday and we saw each other a few times a week. I missed him so much and it was even harder not to be sad. I left him completely alone, but he clicked me every day on Google talk, he was doing things for me. He was really nice and attentive.
A few days ago I couldn't do that any more, I couldn't be just his friend any more. So I wrote him a short letter and I gave it to him. For the first time after a long time I felt so confident, so powerful and beautiful, like I owned the world! We had a long conversation and he finally realised, that he wants to be with me and he wants to give us another try.
I am the happiest, the most grateful person on the world. Now I know that anything is possible, because it was very hard for me to believe, we will be together again. Now I know... It's really so simple. All you have to do is believe your wish is coming true. And when you truly believe, than you know. And when you know, it is only a matter of time, when it is yours. So just believe, believe, believe!!!! Never give up!!! Never ever!!!  "You can not get what you want. But you can prolong it by struggling against the current."

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