Tuesday 22 October 2013

Stories & Opinions: Help with Boyfriend

Hello all,
I recently found out my boyfriend has been using a page similar to this one to flirt with girls (in sometimes sexual ways) and that he has been using sexual (pornographic) apps on his android phone. This all happened just two weeks before he accused me of cheating on him with one of my best guy friends and I found out last night about this online flirting and the porn addiction. We've been together for almost a year and have been through some rough times but I just don't know what to do about this... Any advice?


  1. He accuses you of cheating, yet he's being sexually inappropriate with other women = DEFLECTION. Obviously, he's got a wandering eye and seems to be moving closer to acting on it.
    That he's similarly accusing you of being unfaithful, I would hazard that he's already acted on it. If it were me, I'd dump him. I do not believe that a man who cheats once will ever not cheat if they didn't come clean about it upfront in a fitful of guilt. paleoeco is offline

  2. So you want to fix it?
    Dude seems untrustworthy. But you could try being more positive and supportive - making him see that you're more valuable to him (can't say if it'll work)


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