Sunday 6 October 2013

Response to love

The story was told of a wild lion trapped in the wilderness and was discovered by a lonely hunter. The hunter left the lion in the cage and fed her regularly for weeks. After much expression of love by the hunter, he set the lion free. The beast later became the bodyguard for the hunter. This shows that every living creature responds to love.
Try not to confuse "attachment" with "love". Attachment is about fear and dependence, and has more to do with 'love to self' than 'love to another'. Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn't about what the other can give you because you're empty. No, it is about what you can give others because you are very full!
  • True love may be messy, confusing and predictable; but love is life.
  • True love brings great surprises and laughter of happiness.
  • True love never returns to you void.
  • True love is worth the chaos.
  • True love makes you priority.
  • True love never treats you like you're ordinary.
  • True love makes you comfortable and soothing.
  • True love need no begging, pleading or chasing to be gotten.
  • True love makes you feel a connection and attention is freely given.
  • True love is consistent and sure and not share!
Therefore, when you get true honest real love;
  • Never pretend you didn't notice it;
  • Never take love for granted; and
  • Never trample on love.

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