Monday 21 October 2013

Stories & Opinions: Got a "girlfriend" what now?!

So basically I scored a girlfriend at my friend party. And now I'm freaking out cause I don't know what to do next? The biggest problem that I absolutely don't know her and the "relationship" idea was hers.


  1. I can't help but think that you both have somewhat missed the point of dating and relationship.

  2. Dating people you really don't know, always a bad idea because you'll break up in lickity split, then you'll be embarrassed the relationship ended so quickly.

  3. Well, obviously, you could start by getting to know her.

    Invite her to go somewhere for a drink or I don't know what. I wouldn't advise you to push her away or try to humiliate her. Who knows, perhaps she's a nice person and you will be glad to have a as a girlfriend. If the relationship was her idea, it probably means she thought you were attractive enough to take action, it might be a rare opportunity. Of course if you find her that you don't like her, then gently tell her that it went too fast for you and that you'd rather stop.

  4. surprise buttsecks.

    I don't think you have a girlfriend, OP. It seems that you don't really relate to this girl, therefore there is no relationship happening between the two of you. Which is fine, but it's not a romantic pair-bond

  5. Take it easy, talk to her, get to know her better by going on dates, interact with her, and find out whether you guys are compatible.
    Btw, delay the physical gratification, don't run the risk of letting your **** overtake your rationality and judgement.


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