Monday 14 October 2013

Maintaining Joyful Love

Great passionate love is wonderful to have and retaining it needs simple continuous work. Here's how in three ways.
1. Give your partner three genuine expressions of appreciation a day. It can come in form of appreciation for things he/she's always been doing for you or for something special once done. Endeavour you say it out loud — and that you mean it. This makes your partner feel useful in your life, appreciated and respected.
2. Create time; more like an appointment, at least twice a week to spend minimum of 15 minutes with you spouse. No phones or whatever technology except it solely for playing music. Also, kissing and cuddling and talking, with sex are completely off the table during this time.
3. Endeavour to recreate sensual emotions of passion at least once a week. Twice a week is Most effective. This finds a way of re-lighting the sparks that makes marriages long lasting and happy. This is really finds a to curb fear, open up to one another and release great sense of sexual goddess inside each other.

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