Saturday 2 November 2013

Worry! Worry!! Worry!!!

Pays Not To Worry

If you sit back and think, 'why do you worry?', an obvious secret would be unveiled to you that - for whatever reason you have been worrying, worry couldn't change or affect it positively in the first place.
Please do not confuse 'continuous worrying' with 'the process of seeking for ways to solve a problem'. They are two different things! One is productive while the other isn't.
Worrying is a sickness that leads to bigger sickness. It causes loss of appetite, creates ugly lifestyle habits like panting and ranting (even in the public), annoys people you have various levels of relationship with, interfers with your performance at work or school and alienate ability to sleep.
WOW...that's a lot but just the beginning because I haven't consider the likes of high blood pressure, possibility of heart attack and the likes. It indeed pays to be "worry-free".
Handle whatever you can and leave what you can't.
Take a break from problem and try look for solution instead of consuming the thoughts of the world is falling on you.
Remember whatever happens, whatever the outcome of anything; LIFE STILL GOES ON!

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