Wednesday 13 November 2013

Identifying a ‘Potential Abuser’

Let’s remove all gloves and note the characters of a potential abuser. If your boyfriend has a handful of the following characters, it means you need to reconsider your position about that relationship.
Excessive monitoring: If he’s always keeping tabs of your moves, interactions, phone calls and estimates the time it takes you to get to point B from point A; then he has it in him. This isn’t referring to the concern and awareness of a caring boyfriend about the lady he loves.
Rushing into the relationship: Although some ladies are guilty of this, but when a guy is just in too much of a hurry to get you committed into a relationship, then it’s a sign. It’s not due to the overwhelming love in the case of these abusers but the right to claim right and control over you.
Separating you from all ties: When your boyfriend has a problem with all your close friends, families and neighbors; and he’s doing everything possible to get you isolated from all possible bonds, he’s most probably an abuser. This is a textbook character.
• Confuses jealousy with love: He has gone over possessive and you barely allowed greeting or having a causal conversation a males, it’s a sign you should run. This character also includes him tagging you as “unfaithful” most often when he gets to know you had any encounter with another male.
Financial control: He wants to be the treasurer of you money if you have a source of income. This is to assume maximum control over you. Married abusers demand their spouses quit their job, not for any sensible reason other than having you request everything you need from him so he can scrutinize it.
Insults: The name he calls you and things he compares you to are just so unbelievable. He insults you at any and every slight chance he gets, hereby making you feel less human.
Threats: After a while, threats start coming in if you think or act like you are trying to empower yourself to leave him. He threatens to hurt you, your family, or even kill you. He also threatens you that he could kill himself if you leave him and he says he’s death would be on you. These are nothing new.
Passing 'Sick' Blames: Did he hit a lady, fight your neighbor or do something inhumane and blame it on the victim? He passes blames for he’s loss of control and rage.

If you have noticed most of these signs, then he’s full blown abuser and you’ll be lucky to escape. These signs manifest in degrees, therefore, if he’s still at the early stage, make a run for it and let people and authority know what is going on. Save yourself from an abusive relationship.

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