Tuesday 12 November 2013

"Monster" Alert

Ever watch any of those movies where they guy badly ill-treats his girlfriend or wife? Not the usually “unaffectionate” partner but the ones that physically batters and humiliates the lady. I’m sure when it gets to the part where the guy gets severed; you nod feeling “that serves him right”. What many do not know or rather forget to put into thinking is that there are in reality men (or ladies in some cases) who are just like that. First question is “how did the partner get entangled in such a mess in the first place?” “Didn’t she see it coming all along?” “Does she just want to be in such dilemma?”
The truth is most “monstrous men” of such try to hide their psychiatric traits for the first couple of times and most ladies would be blinded by pretty face, classic restaurant, charade of gentleman acts and sweet words. Some partners even hide it well till after marriage! Look out before you become a victim. 
Dating Signs: During the initial dating session – first couple of formal outdoor meetings; 
  • If he’s showing up late; he’s dressed too carelessly; lacks the enthusiasm; and doesn’t show you any special treatment/care as a lady, then you need to watch it. 
  • If without consulting you, he chooses to take you to sport or play of pure violence during the first dates, then you are with the wrong person.
  • If he shows any reservation in picking the bill at the restaurant, talks about his ex and uses obscene languages to describe her, then you probably should plan your future with someone else.
  • If he appears ‘weird’ in any way, like talking about witchcrafts, deaths, horrors and related issues; please, politely cut the night short.
  • If he’s not really asking you about your life (probably because he doesn’t want to talk about he’s life), then endure the boring night but take a taxi home. 
Post-dating signs: You might have probably missed the signs and said yes to having a relationship with him. If you notice the following, think of how to cut short your mistake and save your life.
  • He throws up in extreme anger over a non-life threating situations.
  • His family members and friends warn people (or you) about his anger.
  • He speaks rashly to people (usually subordinates).
  • Less and less attention is given to you after you choose to date him.
  • He has a history of hitting ladies (ex-girlfriends).
  • He exhibits terrible personality traits but acts sweet to you and wants to cement the relationship too quick (either by marriage or having you move in to live with him).
The type of men in these criteria isn’t those with little emotional baggage that can be fixed with ‘some spoons of love and cups of care”. Much greater “help” is needed to change them…by a professional. If you so choose to hang on with a man after noticing these signs, all the best to your endeavor.  
Bottom Line: Do not be desperate to date anyone one for any reason. Go into a relationship with your full senses watching for your well being. This is the only way you can avoid mid night cries.  

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