Saturday 2 November 2013

Why 'Christian Dating' is so Difficult

Christian dating in this modern world is really like a "camel going through the eye of a needle". Everything around makes it difficult and next to impossible and many people have always wondered why should it be so tough. It's simple; it's either the rules or the observer and one has to bend to the other.
Let's break it down – who made the rules, why and can't it be modified?
•Christiana said "the church" presented "them" (herself and her spouse) with the rules to strictly follow if they wanted to be joined together in that church.
•Why the rules? Well, probably to show they were in control of that relationship till they are ready and eventually get married.
•Can't the rules be bent? Well, that's going to hurt the Minister's ego and control powers…I think.
Mr. Preacher opens up to say it's far from it. "First, the church didn't make the rules, God did. We are only obliged to present and enforce the rules (as much as we can). Disobeying the rules doesn't hurt or offend us, but God. The rules are there just to help the intending couple continue godly till they are finally ready to eventually tie the knot. Lastly, no one bends God's rules! It's either you are obeying or not, you can't do half and leave half. It's so far from any church to meddle with God's words.
When anyone who studies the scripture gets on to dating, it's rather dawn on him or her that keeping off fornication, appearance of sin and keeping the bed undefiled isn't an easy lifestyle even as Jesus Christ described. Therefore, again I say it's not the church but God Himself.
On the part of the observer, what really makes it tough these days? The answer to that is simple; sex and related vices. Pre-marital sex is very common nowadays and for two people that intend living with each other for a long time, the temptation gets high when they can't get intimate but the physical urge is present and there are opportunities to. God can't change for us, so, we have to live up to His standard. It's that plain and simple."
Christian dating is tough but decent; sometimes unbearable but eventually worthwhile; odd but God's standard. "True Christian courtship nurtures you to love your partner for who God made him/her to be, to love his/her soul, personality, very being, ideas and opinions, flaws and shortcomings." You want to make God okay with your relationship, then date how He wants you to.

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