Friday 15 November 2013

Counsel: Sex, Appearance, Respect, Men and Ladies

Law of Attraction

It really is what it is. However people treat you, before blaming them, you need to conduct a self-evaluation.

Execute a comprehensive and honest self-check; ask yourself "Am I not responsible for the disrespect people throw at me?"

Why do "purpose-less guys" (hooligans and thugs) whistle/approach you on the street, look at yourself and check; "Do I present myself like an aimless girl?"

Is your boss pestering you for sex and related indecent interactions? Assess yourself - What am I doing that's making this man think so lowly of me?

(Probably by dressing, manner of speaking or places you go to)

90% of the mess we get are attracted by us!

A queen is awarded her respect because her everything demands it. That’s what she attracts to herself.
You want to be clean? Stop attracting the dirts

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