Saturday 23 November 2013

Signs You’ve Lost Your Partner's Love

Many people jump into relationships; some are into more than one at a time. The number of relationships dissolved per day is on the increase daily, not to mention the modes of separation. Breakups are not new; some happen less than 24 hours after sexual intimacy. For people that think well before going into relationships, you need to know the signs of an apparent breakup.
  1. Avoiding family gatherings: When you partner doesn’t want you to come around his/her family members which you normally so, then there’s something not in place. When there a breakup just around the corner, this intensifies. It’s just a textbook reaction to avoid your friends and families when the heart has lost her interest.
  2. No invitation to share: When you partner doesn’t ask about your day or experiences and shows consistent lack of interest in how you live; then you’re some steps away from a break up.
  3. More Secretive: There are partners that do not share much stories about their lives but there would definitely be some personal things you both share. When your partner is withholding daily experiences from you which are normally shared, then something is wrong. More specifically, if this secrecy cuts across the board and not just an aspect of his/her life, then your partner is attempting to disconnect from you. Intentional excusing him/herself to make or receive social phone calls is a big red flag.
  4. Questionable acts: Has your partner starts flirting with people, staying unusually late and cares less about informing you before or during the ‘absent period’, and also doesn’t share with after the ‘prodigal return’,  then you have something to worry about. Open flirting is a way telling you “there’s nothing special/distinctive between us”.
  5. No physical Contact: Hugging, holding hands and sitting closely were formally part of the characteristics of your association. But now, there aren’t even mistaken contacts. This adds up to intentional emotional withdrawal. 
  6. Preferring silence to fighting: People that argue and fight to express their disapproval in relationships are trying to save something. But when there’s nothing worth fighting for or the heart has taken solace in someone else, partners avoid the fight because it’s not needful.

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