Wednesday 6 November 2013

Life Counsels: Rich vs Poor

Many people are of the perception that for a community to be balanced there must be “the rich and the poor”. There should be some to call the shots and others to follow the instructions. It has been so for centuries and can be said to be as old evolution. 
It is true everyone can’t be equally rich or have the same strength of voice, but the rich and poor syndrome is increasingly causing greater destruction to the “humanness of mankind”. Mankind has always had some “reflex rules” that from memorial governs her lifestyle – making us different from (lower) animals. These tenets and codes are noticed in our actions, verbal communications, aspirations and achievements.  
Nowadays, self-centeredness, jealousy, hatred, addiction to power, psychological segregation and individual goals has made us less humane. By the observation of our daily life, it is plainly noticeable that the exclusive traits that made us desirable human beings are fading away. 
•The evil imaginations of man against fellow men are increasingly evil. 
•Our moral and ethical judgments are gradually been reduced to suite our unpleasant desires.
•Genuine social interactions are continuously scare and replaced by personal objectives.
•Humans now increasingly kill for sports, entertainment, greed and personal gains. 
•Science, urbanizations, politics and career are infecting the decency of humanity in a big way; they increase the “rich and poor” segregation.
This isn’t about the availability of more resources to some sect than the other but psychological degradation it is causing the humanity. It breeds negative effects from both the rich and the poor. 
BOTTOM LINE…whether you become rich or you are poor, remember to remain human.   

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