Wednesday 20 November 2013

Reasons YOU ARE and STILL WOULD be single

Do you sit wondering why you are still without a partner (lover) for over a long time? Especially when you are shopping for a lifetime partner? Here are a few; you might stumble on some that you notice in your life.
1. Unrealistic hopes: Have you been writing up a list of “qualities and prospects” you expect from the prospective lover? Then you might wait a longer while than you thought. Some people narrow it down to the type if cloths or shoes they expect the lover to be wearing on their meeting. That’s just off!
2. Workhorse: Are you always within workspace and barely have any time to eat good dinner at home or outdoors in a nice setting? It’s hard to meet people let alone get someone you could spend time with. They key to life has always been a balancing all aspects that none suffers. Been a workaholic isn’t helpful.
3. Bad dating history: You might have felt once you breakup with your wrong dating choices and go one to the next person, it’s all forgotten. But there are hunting shadows. They are most painful when the past gets back and hurt you when you feel you have met the very “perfect” person. Dating people with social/psychological issues might irritate your new partner if the old pops up.
4. Expecting rejection: When you are always thinking there’s a “NO” response awaiting you if you walk up to any one, then you might as well get it. There’s always a chance for everyone, especially those who play their cards right from the start. It starts with a smile and an open heart.
5. Past comparisons: Meeting new people is good but equating them to your former dates and experiences is a way of removing all good hopes. Everyone is different and unique in his or her own way. It’s essential to remember again that everyone is unique.
6. Wrong company: When you move with married folks, socialites or workaholics, it poses great hindrance on your ability to find prospective interests.   
7. Wrong choices: Have you been opting for people based of first appearance and “you feel you two would make a good match”? It’s ideal to the math if indeed you know what you are looking for. Try dating someone open to you, around you and ready to be in a relationship.

If you notice a couple or any of these in your life, then you must work on them so you have better chances.

1 comment:

  1. Fenks for d tip guess i nww knw wot ma problem is


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