Saturday 9 November 2013

Identifying Sex Addiction. Are you...?

With “sex” been the order of the day on every medium possible, addiction is increasing without victims knowing. Sex addicts have somehow replaced emotional connections with the “fetishes” of sex.
When a person goes all about sex even when it brings public retributions to him/her which a nominal person would abstain from, then the urge has gotten to the addictive stage. 
Sex addicts put their jobs, families, public figure, health risk and many other things in jeopardy but still continue surfing the internet for porn materials, harassing and carelessly seeking affairs with neighbours and co-workers, revealing their bodies in public, masturbating and such with inability to stop. You want to know a sex addict?
1. Secret hideous sex lives: Having scandalous covert sex live isn’t just an attribute of a sex addict but a stimulator to getting more drenched in this disorder. Sneaking to masturbate, have affairs, visit nude joints or meet up with prostitutes are red flags. 
2. Uncontrollable masturbation: Some believe rare masturbation is not bad; however that may prove, masturbating when it has detriments that are serious but you still cannot stop yourself is definitely full blown problem. Many are always swamped with the thought irrespective of the place or time.
3. Porn addiction: Many also believe scarcely indulging in some pornographic video with spouse has its advantage, but when a person ‘has to intentionally’ interrupt an activity just to watch for the purpose of satisfying a sexual urge, then that is an addiction.
4. Zero interest in person after initial sexual experience: More and more people find themselves less and less interest in a person after they have had sexual intercourse with them; not because they discovered an habit that puts them off, but just because the sexual mystery is gone and it’s on to the next available person (victim). This is a textbook characteristic of sexual addiction.
5. Always sexually preoccupied: For sex addicts, every thought, action, communication, relationship and motive has sex all over it. 
6. Lack of satisfaction: many people in relationships misinterpret sexual addictions for the urge for excitement. You have everything going fine and partner spends quality time with you in bed but you still cannot restrain yourself from sneaking to prostitutes, having affairs with colleagues and related issues (for sex)is a clear sign you are an addict.
7. Belittle repercussion of hideous sexual acts: you have been warned officially at work, school, neighbourhood and religious centres but you just don’t seem to stop it. You might want to but not just able to…and you keep taking life treating risks just for sex; that’s definitely an addiction. 
8. You spy: Sex addicts intentionally wait and do things just to catch a glimpse of a neck person. Shame isn’t enough to stop you. Some keep stalking while others climb trees. This is common, sounds funny when the society talks about it but it’s a stone throw away from ruin. 
9. Abandon important tasks for sex: Many give up important responsibilities that shouldn’t be postponed for a chance to have sex. Addiction got to them.
10. Sex makes them feel accomplished: The reaction sex gives sex addicts is like making them feel ‘high’ and denying them the sex is like refusing them a life-saving need. That is addiction.


  1. Well said.....So, how can someone abstain from such addition.. ?

    1. That's another discussion for another day. Hopefully you'll read on till then. Thanks


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