Friday 8 November 2013

Important things to do to be HAPPY in LIFE

To have happiness and feel so fresh like the rising of the the following daily.
•Mind your business: Happy people do not keep interfering into other people’s matters but mind their own business. It’s not only healthy and brings respect but also keeps them from trouble. 
•Let go the bitterness: Every form of unpleasant experience is set free and not held on to (past or present). You were wronged? Forgive and don’t seek revenge! Not for them but for yourself.
Find your own happiness: When you are ready to be happy, you would decide to be regardless what other people or circumstances around you may be. You are responsible for your happiness.
•Away from the negativity: Promoters of happiness should surround you and not unpleasant circumstances and people. Push away the mood spoilers and problems as much as you can!
It’s not always about you: When bad things happen to you, you were just unfortunate and so do not take everything that happens in life to be “after you”. People say or do unfair things? Let it go and stop dwelling on it.

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