Wednesday 6 November 2013

Reasons to be HAPPY (if) you are SINGLE

It has become an unstated societal requirement to be in a relationship at one point or the other, while people that are single – relationship wise – are been taking to be incomplete or missing some quantities of happiness. But this notion is wrong, because many people in relationships now were better off without. Not all stages of relationships are rosy, smooth and desirable. If you are single, here are reasons you might be at higher advantage to many people in relationships.  
1. Hanging out with friends brings no drama: You don’t need to worry about the preference of a partner when about relaxing with friends. You are free to spend as much time with them because you aren’t depriving anyone of spending time with you.
2. Pursue of personal happiness: You can go for whatever would make you happy and fulfilled without been unfair to a partner. Been in a relationship without readiness to split this freedom in half is only unfair to your spouse.
3. Career can come first: Yes, for people that want to bury in libraries and research laboratories, single life is the way to go. It’s only unfair to keep someone waiting for you when you don’t have the intention of been there. You want to travel here and there, change residence often according to career opportunities? Then be single till you done.
4. Frolicking around: Stay single if you want to keep romping and playing around the opposite sex. When you’ve satisfactorily had enough, then you can venture into relationships. You don’t need hurt someone when you know you are not ready to be committed and faithful. Relationships aren’t “by force”.  
5. Travel around frequently: There are some people who are very adventurous in nature and love to travel around for months to years without returning to where others may call ‘home’. A baggage you don’t need to carry around is “relationship” especially if the person you are considering for ‘partner’ doesn’t love that lifestyle. 
6. Not ready to change your lifestyle: If you do love every single routine of your life and you are not ready to have any alterations to it, perhaps you better stay single because when you have another person in your life, many things would change from your dinner time to the eventual selection of movie you watch. Unless you're ready to make some big compromises, relationship is not for you.
7. Love brings some pains: That is the bitter truth; take it or leave it. This pain eventual might result to sweetness. Love takes high risks and brings high rewards. Have you heard of people getting heartbroken? It’s because they loved some who didn’t reciprocate. You can surely stay clear the pain by staying off the relationship.
8. Relationships take money: It’s true real love doesn’t cost money but keeping the love-relationship going requires money. It’s not compulsory, but it’s very necessary. You need money to do some things as actions of love. If you are single, you can get along with little but not when you have someone you love and you are frequently obliged to show love.
9. Unlimited "me" time: Only a single life can guarantee you to have as much “time alone” that you desire. It’s unfair to claim to be in a relationship with someone and you are always aloof.
10. Just doesn’t work: When relationships doesn’t just turn out well and you can’t point to the reason. Some say it’s probably not just for you. Perhaps you need to stay single for a while and get some self-insights and understanding. Then you can change if something needs to be changed.

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