Friday 29 November 2013

Keep your facebook status simple

Many people post dozens of personal informations on facebook. Others post their every move and feelings; while a sizeable number of people tell blatant lies! They might be sitting on a spot for two hours but would have uploaded series of posts about a 'supposed' journey to and back from a girl's house/party. First question; Who are you fooling?

There's the General; Family; Personal, and Take to your grave information! Do not post what people don't need!

Also, remember social networks can't and doesn't make you a celebrity...stop gathering people you don't know as friends! Many have in the process of gathering huge number of "friends" connected with harmful-psychopaths and regretted it.

Finally, the type of picture you upload displays your maturity and sensibility! You need not be told what type of picture you should display out there...common sense should guide you. (Did I just hear you say "common sense is not common"?... You damn right! But please show the world you got it)

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