Monday 29 July 2013




Many adults though from broken homes still believe in the commitment of marriage. Some even get a bit eager to get they aren’t bothered they from a broken home. If you reading this, your secret is safe with me; you just keep reading along. Those that are married but still worried their marriage might end up like your parent’s and plainly share their fears are not any worse.
Well, I would knock you off the path your parents took. Just as you in your marriage, endeavor to do the following;
1. Enjoy your spouse. Don’t weigh your brain down with “I’m now married...what is it going to be like?” Share your life with your spouse by talking to him/her and sharing activities together.
2. Disagree respectful and fight with “this marriage must work” at the back of your minds. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes to understand his/her position and apologize when you’re wrong. Ensure you have been forgiven when you make a blunder. You can even present an apology offering/gift which could be making a tea or buying monkey-teddy. This strengthens the marital bond.
3. When offended, obey the rule of Forgo, Forebear, Forget and Forgive. As human, forgive and forget sounds mythical! But we can forgive and let it go. Accept the gift of an apology when offended and shun that voice that tells you to make your partner beg a little more.
4. You want to be a successful spouse? Set you mind there’s not option than making your marriage work after marriage. Set it straight in your mind that divorce doesn't truly break the bond of marriage and you can’t walk out. Act out your vows — “for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health.”
5. Get informed about your spouse’s life by asking about as much as you can think of. Talk about your day, your pains and discomforts, worries and joys, interests and fantasies. Communication is key which should be done by talking and acting.
6. Spending special times together has its molding powers when it comes to relationships. This time isn’t one hour or two, no. It’s more like going on vacations and extensive planned activities. Find time to just sit and be with each other and before you know it, your souls would be yarning to reach out to your spouse.
7. Never stop dating your spouse has been a common advice when it comes to marriage. Well, it’s because it works! You therefore should plan “late night exquisite date” least twice a month. And that’s for business preoccupied couples.  
8. How have you made your spouse happy today? If you do that self check daily, you would plan a better tomorrow and long future. Successful couples bring each other joy.
9. Give more than you expect to receive. Furnish your spouse frequently and selflessly. This has a special way keeping you on your spouse’s mind not because of the gift you gave but because you thought of him/her and you acted on it.
10. Steal an attitude from our spouse and share similar virtues. Please ensure its one of his/her good ones. Don’t imbibe his/her attitude of giving up during a conversation, instead you can copy the expression he/she makes when trilled. How do you plan to raise your kids? This is when the values count.

Most importantly, share this piece with your spouse. The two of you fighting the right way to keep your marriage is better than just your effort alone.

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