Saturday 27 July 2013

My Parent's Divorce Scares Me From Marriage.

Bianca and I would have been together for four year come this August.  This is by far the best relationship have every had with any human on the surface of planet Earth. We both have great jobs and I get along with her family quite well. I love her to bits and try my best to make her happy. Amidst my faults, she has her respectful and matured way if making me see my imperfections. Just like everybody, she definitely has a few of her own, but admits her wrong within the hour. We’ve had a couple of long fights to be honest, and to be quite honest, I’ve had my ample share of faults in them.
Your next thought would be I have a great girl and job; therefore, marriage is no problem. That however scares me to shreds.
My late younger brother and I were the product of our parents thirteen years marriage. Our father walked out on us leaving us in emotional and finical adversities. Three months later, my brother died from a sickness the price of a day’s meal could have gotten the drug to treat it. This however turned mom to a frequent visitor at the free clinic we later discovered. Depression was one of the highlights in her life. I struggled through life with anger to prove to my dad I never needed him to be rich and successful whenever/if-ever we met.
Bianca knew where I was coming from and had been very understanding regards the backlogs I pulled through life. She got me into therapy and out of my angry state which was the hardest thing she ever did. Bianca has been most understanding for a too long, very decent and matured lady from a well formed family and now she's asking about the future of our relationship.
My parents marriage was all roses and cute in all forms at the beginning but the  effect it had on my mother and innocent little brother is just something I can't uncomprehend. 
Of course I notice other people's long marriage and happy family (like Bianca's parent's), I just think some people with genes like my father's "clan" are meant to get marriage. Discovering same thing happened to my father's dad's marriage really shouldn't happen again. I'm really not positive I'm made for a successful marriage like she seems to be.
Feel free to share and comment your views.

1 comment:

  1. All thesame, every marraige comes with a default setting which has been programmed to "work out". We only encounter problems when we try to customise it.
