Sunday 28 July 2013


GUY CODE?? There’s rarely a guy’s code anymore. Many guys not just talk and act like dunce in the society, bring disgrace to the men-folks. There was a time when teenagers watch and study older males to watch manner of speaking and approach on diverse issues, interpersonal relationships, public comportment and other things. But in this era, it’s a different tale and I really wonder who the broken links were.
The Guy Code is suppose to be the inbred intuitive behavior of a man concerning everything that comprises of his earthly world in the affairs of responsibility, consistency, goals and desires, decision making, elucidation, insight, pleasure and amusement etc.
Still a decade and a half ago, it was recognized and respected not only by men but cultured ladies. The Guy’s Code wasn’t in a book or an easily defined principle but was present and passed on through lifestyles and community’s atmosphere. I have endeavored to put together a few i can remember now. Read, LEARN, enjoy and more importantly pass it on to fellow brothers so we never forget what being a man is all about.

  1. Never say anything negative about a man to woman. Especially when you trying to get her attention.
  2. If you a guy your friend is in jail, except he stole your lady, you are expected to bail him out within 24 hours. (However, you not expected to do so with your money).
  3. Try your best to help a friend in trouble as much as you can till you can say you did all a man in your position can. This is where “Never leave a man down” evolved.
  4. You at the cinema’s with another man, you are expected to leave a seat vacant between you two.
  5. At your friend’s wedding, you should disgrace him with your toast describing a “shameful and dishonoring” event. This is not good for his new bride or in-laws.  
  6. Two grown men under an umbrella?? Common! It’s just not allowed.
  7. Calling a man and explaining why you haven’t been calling afore times, expect you in the CIA and he’s your handler.
  8. Men don’t often give full hugs to each other and it should be preceded by a handshake.  
  9. A man should NEVER EVER sit on another man's lap. Don’t even imagine it. Absolutely gay!
  10. Guys don’t stare and compliment other guy’s six-pack. It’s awkward.
  11. Unless you been told verbally by your friend (the owner of the car) to touch his car radio, keep your hands to yourself!
  12. Always greet your friend’s new lady with an apprising phrase like “So you the one I’ve been hearing about?”
  13. No matter your professional line of work, you must have some technical skills like knowing the difference between a flat and Phillips screwdriver, changing a tire and maintaining a car.
  14. Sharing birthday gifts with fellow men isn’t obligatory. So don’t get obtuse over it if it doesn’t come.
  15. Guys don’t cry! No! Not in public or dumb reasons.
  16. Guys, don’t act stupid because a cute lady passed by. You can look but passing lousy comments make you and anyone around you appear foolish.
  17. No guy should ever go behind another guy's back and talk to his mother, wife or girlfriend about any problem he has with the other. That’s for the opposite gender.
Bonus: A man must ALWAYS remember its “ladies first” in walking, sitting, talking. This is golden!

Follow these and you would find it easier for you to live by the gentle’s guidelines which is much more strict.

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