Monday 15 July 2013

You are who You are

It is widely believed that most your psychological composition which influences your perception, choices, aspirations and expectations in life are a product of your human and environmental interactions. This is true but only to some extent. Many people have used this as an excuse to debar themselves from achieving greatness in life. Commonly, the power of INDIVIDUAL WILL has been belittled and devalued.

Who you are now is not only product of what in somebody has done or not done for you, but more of what you have allowed in your life as a person. Don’t blame anyone for who you become, but accept responsibility for your life and chart a veritable future that can imminently influence the world positively. It’s a popular and wise saying that “where you are coming from is not as important has where you’re going to.” Starting from zero doesn’t mean you can’t become a hero. Actually, almost all noble influential heroes started from the ground then up.  

If you want to play the ‘blaming game’, then there would be a long list of people you can blame starting with your family, then friends, environment(community) , country and till you finally put a worldwide blame to everything on the surface of the earth both living and non-living.

Many people make some human interactions and get into relationships because that’s the way everyone around them is living. If that type of relationship is dumb or stupid, so will it remain dumb and stupid no matter how many people get involved in it. The masses engaging in a wrong thing doesn’t make it right.

Deciding you’ll be responsible for whatever life and relationship you make with people is a good way to start living each day. You are the cause of who you are. Shift your orientation this direction and then you can make a great meaning of your life.

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