Friday 19 July 2013


For many people, the adage “there’s no place like home” is an expired myth. There may be many definitions of a customary home, but home-under normal circumstances-should be a place synonymous to love, peace, comfort, refuge, rest, care, help and security among others. However, with current statistics on divorce rates, this definition is quite the opposite for many people.
The crisis usually comes from a broken marriage leading to a broken home. What causes broken marriages? I’ll list some.
1.      Wrong spouse selection: This is the genesis of the whole matter. When two people come together in bond of marriage, they form a “home”.  There’s therefore fault in the spouse selection and choice if the people in question do not “go along” with each other most times. Couple always disagreeing, exhibiting low affection of love, bad communication and regretting marrying each other can’t breed a good home.
2.      Intimate poisons: It is much easier for a trusted subject to poison the king’s wine. When third parties begin dishing wrong advises and become closer confidants, the marriage is doomed and there goes the home too. These venoms are more likely to come from parents, friends, family relatives and sometimes neighbors. It is hard for a stranger come destroy your relationship.
3.     Absence of genuine love for spouse: It’s commonly said that “true love doesn’t fade”. Breaking way from someone you sincerely love isn’t easy. If at all you make it out the door, without much rational control after a little, you should find yourself running back in. Love cannot cohabitate with hatred, unfaithfulness, fighting, long term quarreling and anger. Their presence signifies real love was never present.
4.     Stunted love: Love wants to grow; Love should grow; Love must grow. All real love wants is renewal and it would increase with branches and blossoming flower. When you don’t revitalize your love, it dies and your home dies along.
5.     Sexual unfaithfulness: Very few are people who can get over sexual unfaithfulness of a partner. And can you blame them? I honestly can’t. When indulging in sexual atrocities while in a relationship, you should recognize the gravity of what you are doing to your relationship and home.
6.     Financial tight-fist: Money issue is serious issue. All over the world, money has significant effect on emotions if wisely utilizes. ‘Spending on’ your spouse shouldn’t necessarily be when he /she asks but out of warm heartfelt desire. If it is in your power to give, why won’t you want to give to your spouse? Tightfisted couples rarely work.
7.     Time demanding job: Physical absence from home is bad recipe for marriage and the home itself. Though not a moral excuse, exceptional time demanding jobs has the possibility of exposing both partners to sexual unfaithfulness.
8.     Poor communication: Miserable interactions between spouses break homes. It’s just as simple as that. When unhappy or wronged, words people in most cases utter are usually unthought-of. Many are the individuals that have deficiency of word selection and with an easily agitated spouse, the relationship and home in no time breaks up.
To be continued in FAILED MARRIAGES AND BROKEN HOMES: episode 2. Meanwhile, feel free to comment and share.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant analysis..God is the foundation of every good marriage.
