Monday 29 July 2013

Gentleman's Code

Unlike popular perception, being a gentleman never goes out of style. From time memorial, whether personally or professionally, a gentleman is been recognized by his manners, dressing, speech and interactions. In these modern times, many teenagers and young adults choose their dress code, manners and conducts from social delinquents and ex-convicts. How this does appraises them, I really don’t know.
The life of gentleman honestly requires much diligence to apparently all areas of his life. Chivalry can’t come from social delinquents; neither can nobility be found in criminals. Therefore, when choosing a lifestyle, there’s need profound thinking. As a result, if anyone actually finds it hard to match up in been a genuine gentleman, it really shouldn’t be surprising.
Fortunately, the conducts of a gentleman can still be noticed in our today’s society though most aren’t in their true forms. Most dress like gentlemen but in actions, they seem mentally impaired. I take an instance from Mr. Douglas who dress quite elegant like a gentleman but physically beats up his wife during arguments. A gentleman never raises his hand to hurt a lady; neither should any “un-gentleman-like” male. That factually makes Mr. Douglas much less of a man.
I would enumerate some codes and conducts of a gentleman.

  • A gentleman won’t waste time and effort arguing what or whatnot a gentleman should be. It’s said a boy speaks, a gentleman acts.
  • A gentleman exhibits politeness in his speech. “I beg your pardon”, “I’m sorry”, “please excuse me” and other relative words of grace are found in his speech.
  • A gentleman’s first description is “chivalry” and it encompasses a lot. It takes a lot to be gallant and courteous.
  • A gentleman knows how to shake a hand. Firmly but not too tight like a fight.
  • A gentleman is punctual. He respects other peoples’ time. If you’ll be late, please do it with style.
  • A gentleman keeps to his word as much as possible. This is one fading quality in men.
  • A gentleman dresses to impress in the most eloquent of ways.
  • A gentleman is patient and has so much self-control.
  • A gentleman doesn’t brag, ridicule or betrays.
  • A gentleman voices his opinions modestly and considers other people’s opinions.
  • A gentleman humbly gives and accepts compliments. That’s just a way to make people feel good about themselves.
  • A gentleman shows his love and not just tells it.
  • A gentleman opens the door for ladies. She is about to enter your car, a restaurant, public service facility, or anyplace with a door, a gentleman always holds it open.
  • A gentleman helps the lady with her seat. Even if you don’t know the lady next to you, so far she’s unaccompanied, get her seat and push it back in place.
  • A gentleman courteously gives up his seat when a lady, child or elderly comes around and there isn’t a seat a vacant seat.
  • A gentleman stands up straight when a lady is about standing up to leave his table.
  • A gentleman gives the lady he’s accompanying his hand when they are walking together, especially if she’s on heels. There’s a purpose to it.
  • A gentleman offers his coat to his lady when it’s cold. That is just chivalrous.
  • A gentleman stops to help others in need...especially women and children.
  • A gentleman offers to pay. He gives in not to after third denial.
  • A gentleman respects himself.
  • A gentleman never threatens or accepts threats to his family. It’s a foolish thing to do.
  • A gentleman lives by his code and conduct all day and night, public and private, seen or unnoticed.
Everybody wants to be respected, treated humanely and graciously. Everyone also wants to have their friends or partners appear well in public and treated with some form of courtesy. This is why “gentlemen are never out of style”.


  1. I think I fit in perfectly as a gentleman....just a little more to add.

  2. If dis is really d standard den it means dere are no gentlemen in Nigeria cos no guy is gonna do all d finz listed above not even u!!*winks*
