Thursday 18 July 2013

Loving 'YOU'

“I love my job”, “I love my parents”, “I love my family”, “I love my spouse”, “I love friends”, “I love you” and many more are the common phrases that roll off people’s tongues when it comes to assertion and pronouncement of love. For many, it’s hard to say but spoken more often than not, while others are very used to it. However, “I LOVE MYSELF” is the rarest of all declarations and for the many out of the few that say it, only a hand pick mean it nonetheless act it.
Before proceeding into any type relationship, especially the intimate ones, it is imperative you take time out to outline and chart your values and beliefs on life issues. Your expectations and interests in life are important and in doing this, you would best select what you want for yourself and the type of company you can keep let alone who can be closely connected with you.
The first step to loving yourself is living the way you actually want to, and being in the type of relationship you want. But not knowing what you want because you haven’t taken time to observe and note them might make you live a boring clueless life. Picture this; let’s say you are an academic or career oriented person, you most probably won’t want a partner who spends almost every evening at party clubs and pubs. A person who is very principled and merits culture would be a very wrong partner for someone who sees culture as more of an ancient morality.
Sitting down to stress the difference in values between you and your neighbor is important in helping you know where you stand and so prepare you to handle real-life situations. It feels good when you take a stand due to reason/purpose and not follow the crowd.
Standing alone amidst the crowd could make you feel weird and outcast. Many people avoid this by ‘hooking up’ with an intimate partner. For the reason that many can’t stand alone, they are in relationship with partners who shares none of their humane values. Self love before and during a relationship can be emphasized by;
  • Take some time to write a “why I’m special and rare” note to the most understanding, supportive and cooperative person you know. (That should be YOU in case you wondering). Put in writing your achievements, rare characters and good words you’ve received from people. Write periodically and keep them. They’ll pop up one day when you spirit needs them.
  • Buy yourself gifts from time to time. It should be a funny, cute or childish present that you could give some you love. Make yourself feel special and worthy something really good.
  • You might be very busy but there would surely be some time you can do something you really enjoy that would be fun to you; something you have been anticipating.
  • Strengthening your relationships with family and friends would make you feel good. They would most likely say sweet words and remind you of wonderful moments you had with them. That would be a way you make them make you feel loved.
  • Help a stranger; lend a hand to someone you might never ever meet again. The smiles of gratitude you receive from them would seasonally improve you psychologically and boosts your self-confidence.
  • Whether you are single or in a relationship, it’s imperative to not just love yourself but show yourself the love. Your personal love boosts your confidence and that would directly enhance your communication strengths when it comes to conveying what you want in a relationship. It also would foster having clear convictions for healthier and intelligent decisions.
So why not show yourself some quality love today?